All South Africans like to braai! And no, it’s not barbecue…. It’s simply just not the same thing.
So, to be part of a TV Commercial that’s all about having a braai and enjoying that moment around the braai and the fire is just great. Not that we actually had a braai on set ;-)
For this production, Faction Media wanted to use bullet-time filming techniques to freeze the action within the moment. The challenge however did not lay with using multiple cameras in the way bullet-time is normally done. While the camera was filming the talents all had to keep really, really still…. Lots of VFX had to done in post to produce exactly what the client was looking for.
It was such a pleasure to work with Faction Media!
Nou gaan ons braai :-D
Executive Producer: Megamaster
Producer: Christo vd Westhuizen
Director: Michael Oberholzer
DOP: Joe Louw
SFX Supervisor: Ruan Zaaiman
Motion control Grips/Rigging: TimeLapse SA