SCYO dolly for the first prize in a timelapse competition.

Earlier this year we teamed up with Kids of All Ages and Gunther Wegner from LRTimelapse to sponsor a prize for a competition he was running. There was such a good selection of videos submitted for the competition!
To enter, you had to create a film about "My story of..." and you were allowed to use different filming techniques such as stop motion and general film. It wasn't a strictly "timelapse" competition. It was really challenging to review and score all the videos but luckily, we didn't do this alone! Choosing a winner was easier because there were 3 teams involved to score the entries. The scores were calculated on a point system where the quality of photography and editing made up 40% of the score and the creativity and topic relevance counted 60% of the score.
It was no easy feat to choose an overall winner but thankfully the scoring system did the final hard work for us. You can watch all the entries here: TIMELAPSE COMPETITION
Below is the video for the contestant winners, Gunnar & Manuel, who teamed up to create this video and they were even more creative to put together another video showing all the awesome goodies they won, including an SCYO dolly sponsored by TimeLapse SA. Congratulations!!
There were many other good videos too. Have a look at the top entries here: FINALISTS The competition was only open to Germany, Austria and Switzerland so this post is in German but you can still enjoy the videos ;-)
An e-mail from the winner:
Hi Joe and Jonelle,
We are Gunnar and Manuel and just wanted to say thank you for sponsoring the great price for the time lapse contest from Gunther. We are so happy that we won this amazing slider.
You really made awesome work – your SCYO is such a great and easy-to-use slider!! Thank you very much. We really appreciate it.
All best,
Gunnar and Manuel