Articles tagged with: Short Film


Where We'll Go

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A Timelapse film evening & BTS talk

Where We'll Go

Since the beginning of planning our latest timelapse film Where We'll Go we had this idea to host a film evening. Through this we wanted to show our short film along with sharing some stories from behind the scenes and try and give people a sense of what we experienced while shooting. When we started to specialise in timelapse, it quickly became evident that the general public has a lot to learn about timelapse and what it takes to get the shots, so we wanted to shed some light on the matter ;-)


Where We'll Go - Just released!

Categories // News

A new timelapse film

Where We'll Go - Just released!

What a journey it has been!
It is with great pleasure that we finally share our latest timelapse film "Where We'll Go" with you. It's been a hard, long and slow journey but it's all been totally worth it!!
So, the question remains... Where WILL we go??


The BTS story of "Where We'll Go"

Categories // Behind the Scenes

A timelapse film in the making - Jan 2015, on location in the Karoo

The BTS story of

Oh wow! Where on earth to begin with the memories from our most recent timelapse venture...
The Karoo in South Africa is such an incredible location! But it's harsh, it's hot and it's dry! At the same time it's so forgiving. It's so peaceful. It's majestic and magical. It's a destination like no other and that surely must be a good enough reason why we can't get enough of this place...


Where We'll Go

Categories // News

So where will we go??

Where We'll Go

So.... what are we planning for 2015?? What's next?? 
We are SO excited about this next project and can't wait to get out there and shoot this! Read on and find out about our short film that we are working on.