
Quick important update !!!

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Back from the Karoo - going at full speed again...

Quick important update !!!

Just a quick update on a few important matters, especially if you are based in Cape Town or Durban.

Firstly, the Karoo was GREAT and with over 450 GB of footage and over 32,000 images this reel is going to take some time to put together. But it's gonna be good!

Other than that, the weather was hot as hell with some really interesting thunderstorms around.  Like usual, the Karoo nights can be pretty chilly and windy too. I'm realy happy with the shots that we got! I had a sneak peak at some of the shots and this reel is going to be killer. I'm sensing there will be a vol 2 and perhaps even a 3 of the Karoo as we did not get time to get all the shots we were hoping to. Too much to shoot in too little time so a good excuse for another trip :-)

My main reason for this post is to let you all know the expedition is filling up fast and camping spots are almost all booked. So secure your place ASAP!

Then; to all the guys and girls in Durban and Cape Town, I will be coming down there to demo the dollies as well as give a talk on an introduction to timelapse photography. I will be in Durban on the 12th of Feb and in Cape Town on the 13th of Feb. The location for Cape Town will be at Sunshine Company. Durban location still to be confirmed.

I am planing to do the demo and talks after hours at around 17:30 for 18:00 to make it easier for more people to attend.
Please keep in mind, there will be a small fee involved to secure your place as space WILL be limited. Wine and snacks will be provided.

If you need more info please do not hesitate to contact me for further details.