
Shooting timelapse on a JIB!

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Yes! Motorised Timelapse on a JIB....

Shooting timelapse on a JIB!

This is something I've been wanting to do for a very long time now - shooting timelapse on a jib! Yes, on a motorised jib.

I went to an engineer to help me out making a pulley to motorise and connect to a jib. Some of our natural history filmmaker clients heard about this and offered me their jib to test it out. We finally managed to get away to a suitable location to put this jib to the test. While out in the Karoo to service a longterm camera (shooting the construction of a new windfarm) we thought it perfect to test the jib. Or not....

You see; Karoo = wind. I mean, they're not putting up a windfarm here for no reason. On the other hand, Jib = no wind. Even less so when the extension arm is connected... Plus, we only had 3 nights out there and had to shoot no matter what.

Here are the results and I'm pretty pleased with the results.