
Afriforum - taking a stand against fracking in the Karoo

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More timelapse footage in another commercial, for a good cause!

When planning our timelapse trip to the Karoo there was an evident thought about the possibility of Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) in this pristine landscape in the near future.

It is to us, as to many other people, a devastating thought that this unspoilt land could become a toxic environment to the ecosystem including people and animals.

Afriforum contacted us recently regarding the usage of some of our timelapse stock footage which we shot during our Karoo trip. They put together a great video to explain what fracking is about and why it is so harmful and destructive to the environment. One of the negative affects is that it will badly pollute the sky therefore dramatically affecting the visibility of the night sky. This is shocking news for any keen astronomer and timelapse photographer alike! It goes much further than just polluting the sky…

We wholeheartedly support Afriforum and Treasure the Karoo Action Group in this fight to protect the Karoo, its people and its ecosystem.

Add your voice and help to stop fracking in the Karoo: sms the name of your town to 31336 (sms charged at 50c - South Africa only). You can also make a donation directly to Treasure the Karoo Action Group and follow the link from their site.

Let's rise up together to treasure the vast open landscapes, communities, animals and majestical night-skies of the Karoo!!