Stock footage, Workshops and SMC manual
Just a quick update on the latest standings
Here we are at the "last week" of 2012 - or at least the last week where you can still try and get something done here in SA. If I just think about the loads of things that need to happen in this week, I get scared....
All Shukuma MINI and Shukuma DOLLY stock will be collected or delivered during this week where after the kits will be put together. Yay! New happy clients will have their dollies shortly ;-)
My stock footage page is now complete so please browse around and let me know how it works. Feedback is vital so if you have any suggestions it will be much appreciated.
The TimeLapse Workshop pages and prices have also been finalised. With the last workshop being such a success I am sure there will be many more of these and I'm looking forward to see more people exploring with time lapse. Diarise the dates and make sure you don't miss out. Like always, book early to avoid disappointment.
Just to let you know, besides all the many updates happening on the site during December, the SMC user manual is almost complete.
Here is a sneak peak at a clip from my stock library that is still small but growing. Bookmark that page and check back regularly for new clips. New clips will always be added to the top of the page in its corresponding category.